Sermons - 2021

Here are the sermon outlines I have preached in 2021.

Current or newest sermons are added to the top of this page.

Exam Time - As the year closes, it time to take an examination of
our life and make corrections.        Outline        Power Point

Life of Trust - Proverbs teaches us to "Trust on the Lord with all your
heart." What must we learn about trust?    Outline        Power Point

Judgment Day Words - There are words we want to hear on Judgment
day, and words we do not want to hear.    Power Point

Gifts from God - Christmas is a time of giving gifts to family and friends. God
also is a giver of gifts.    Outline        Power Point

Jesus and the Old Testament - We know about Jesus and His life on earth.
But what about Jesus in the Old Testament?     Outline    Power Point

Purpose of Communion - Sometimes we partake of communion with little
thought about the meaning and purpose.    Outline        Power Point

Never do in heaven - There are many things we do here on earth, but
we we not do them in heaven.            Power Point

Contentment - Why are we seldom satisfied? Why can't we learn to
be content?            Outline        Power Point

Will you escape? - There are several things that we can not escape.
                    Outline            Power Point

Is it a sin to doubt? - Doubts often come into our thinking. Why do we
doubt? Can our doubting be good?    Outline        Power Point

What we want - With Christmas approaching, an often asked question is
about what someone wants for Christmas. Spiritually, what do you want?
                                        Outline        Power Point

Confidence - We often feel hopeless, in dispair. We lack the confidence
that Christians should have.        Outline        Power Point

Why did Jesus come to earth? - Wasn't there another way? Why did He
have to live and suffer here on earth?        Outline        Power Point

6 Rights of Baptism - There are six parts that are needed to make a baptism
what God intended.        Outline        Power Point

Salt of the Earth - Jesus said we are the salt of the earth. What does that
mean? Am I salty? What if I am not salty?     Outline    Power Point

ID Needed - We need some ID to do many things. We also need a spiritual
identification to enter heaven.     Outline    Power Point

God has Plans - We often plan to do something, but our plans do not go
as we thought they would. God has plans that take priority.    Outline    Power Point

Pay No Taxes - God has allowed the civil government to tax citizens. But - - -
there are some things we have for which we pay no taxes.    Power Point

Satan wants a Corpse - Satan wants us dead (spiritually). He wants the church
to die.        Outline    Power Point

Lessons from Jericho - There are several lessons from the events at Jericho
that we need to learn and apply to our lives.      Outline    Power Point

No Apology Needed - With the Cancel Culture all around us, we have no reason
to apologize for our faith in God and the Bible.    Outline    Power Point

5 Links in the Chain of Fellowship - Many misunderstand what fellowship is
all about. Here are 5 ways we have fellowship in Christ.  Outline    Power Point

Love One Another - This sermon is entirely from one verse. Outline    Power Point

Jesus in the Midst - Jesus is not on the outside of our life. He is not on the
fringe. He is right in the middle of our life.       Power Point

Focus on Communion - We often rush through this part of the worship. This lesson
will involve the entire worship on communion.    Outline    Power Point

Weary but pursue - We get tired of all the problems and issues in life. But we
cannot stop. We must still keep going.     Outline        Power Point

Good News - News, by its nature is the bad, the disaster, the crash, the war. We often
listen to the news and think this is the normal. Even good news is rejected. Outline    Power Point

One body - Study the book of Ephesians. The theme is the one body, the church.
                    Outline        Power Point

Specialty ministers - Many congregations have multiple ministers on staff. What
are the benefits of specialty ministers?    Outline        Power Point

Piddling - Israel piddled in the wilderness 40 years? What about us? Are we
spending too much time and energy piddling?    Outline    Power Point

Jesus grandfather - This is a study of the lists in Matthew 1 and Luke 3. Power Point

Patience - Who does not need more patience? We need patience in 4 ways.  Power Point

Stuff we cannot change - God demands that the church grow. There is much that
we must do to teach and convert the lost. But there are some things over which
we have no control.        Outline        Power Point

How God Answers Prayer Part 1 - God has many options and means to answer
our prayers.            Outline        Power Point

How God Answers Prayer Part 2 - God can grant our request or choose another
way to respond.        Outline        Power Point

Freedom - A 4th of July sermon about spiritual freedom.    Outline    Power Point

What God Expects - Many think God expects perfection from us. Does God
understand our human weakness?            Outline       Power Point

One Dumb Dad - Father's Day sermon - We learn to be a father from our children.
They teach us many important lessons.        Outline        Power Point

Is one church as good as another? - Many will defend the idea that the church one
attends is not important. A series of questions will settle the issue.    Power Point

Where there is a will - In this sermon you will learn a new word (paraprosdokian) that you
may never use but it will introduce this lesson about the will of God.    Power Point

Does God work in our lives today? - While we see the miracles in the Bible, many
wonder if God is still working in our world.     Outline        Power Point

3 Questions about God - While most people believe in some kind of god or supreme
being. But do they believe in the God of the Bible?    Outline    Power Point

Jesus is not coming - There are many doctrines about what happens when Jesus
comes again. This sermon does not deny the 2nd coming - but shows that Jesus is
not coming to set up a physical kingdom.        Outline        Power Point

Providence Today - Does God still work in our lives in providence?  We believe
in the providence of God in Bible. What about today?     Outline     Power Point

Gospel in 5 Seconds - Adapted from a tract by Allen Webster.  Outline    Power Point

Grow by Suffering - There is some positive value to all the suffering we
endure. We can grow by and through our suffering and trials.  Outline   Power Point

Nothing - This sermon is about nothing. There are many positive and negative
statements about nothing.  Outline      Power Point

Bible 12345 - The Bible is a huge book. For many is too big, too deep, too
difficult to understand. This lesson gives a simple introduction to the Bible.
     Outline     Power Point

Dead Battery? - We live with phones, laptops, tablets and they all need
batteries. When the battery is dead we lose the connections to the world.
    Outline     Power Point

What is good or bad? - The question is often asked - Why to bad things
happen to good people? This is the wrong question. We do not know what
is good or bad.     Outline       Power Point

Why do we suffer? Many doubt or question God about the source
of our suffering.     Power Point

God's Special People - Peter says that Christians are a people for God's
possession, His special people.    Outline      Power Point

Because we have hope - It is our hope that should drive and motivate
us to a better life.        Outline        Power Point

Do you love me? - Jesus asked Peter about their relationship. This is
a sermon preached on Valentine Day.    Power Point

Holy Like God - What does it mean to be holy? Can you expect me to
be holy like God is holy?        Outline        Power Point

Where is God? - Where is God when I am hurting? I call on God. I pray
to Him, but I still have the problem.    Outline        Power Point

One Accord - We do not have to be alike in everything, but we must be
of one accord (one mind) as we assemble for worship.  Outline   Power Point

A Living Hope - We do have hope because of the work and promise of
God and the resurrection of Christ.  Outline    Power Point

We Made It! - We got out of 2020. The pandemic is not over, but we are on
our way out of the crisis. Outline      Power Point